Read ID
A unique ID is recorded in the NAND Flash Memory (hereafter referred to as NAND).
SigNAS3 is equipped with a function "Read ID" to read the ID in Command of GUI.

ID information (8byte) of the NAND is read and displayed.

It is also possible to do it by Script based on the NAND data sheet.
For example, create a Script based on the description in the data sheet below.
Read ID command : After sending 90h...
- When sending 00h address, ID code (8 bytes) containing the following information is obtained.
- manufacturer ID, device configuration, part-specification
- When you send the 20h address, you get 6 bytes of data including the ONFI ID code in the first 4bytes.
- 4Fh, 4Eh, 46h, 49h = 'O', 'N', 'F', 'I'
- If you send 40h address, you get 6 bytes data including JEDEC ID code in the first 5bytes.
- 4Ah, 45h, 44h, 45h, 43h = 'J', 'E', 'D', 'E', 'C'
- 'Get Status
- 'Get ID Ready wait, Async mode
- CMND00 0 90 0 1
- PRTSTR 01 READ ID (00h)
- SNDAD1 0 00 1
- GETDAT 0 0006 1 1
- CMND00 0 90 0 1
- PRTSTR 01 READ ID (20h)
- SNDAD1 0 20 1
- GETDAT 0 0006 1 1
- CMND00 0 90 0 1
- PRTSTR 01 READ ID (40h)
- SNDAD1 0 40 1
- GETDAT 0 0006 1 1
Get NAND status

Command, Address transmission to NAND and data reception from NAND

Execution result
In the Result File, the read normal IDs were saved as shown in the figure below.

This direct access to NAND also allows users to conduct their own research and evaluate new features.